Top 5 Factors to Consider When Selecting Plastic Additives

Shine Polymer

Plastic additives impart important properties to polymers, allowing materials to meet diverse application needs. Additives are commonly added to plastics in small amounts yet provide substantial changes such as increased impact strength, heat resistance, UV protection, and easier processing. Anti-dripping agents, for example, enhance safety under heat by preventing melting and flame spread. Polymer processing aids […]

Enhancing Durability and Performance: The Magic of Impact Modifiers

impact resistance of electronics

In the world of polymer additive manufacturing, where precision and resilience are paramount, impact modifiers have emerged as true magic wands for enhancing the properties of materials. These versatile additives play a crucial role in enhancing the impact resistance and overall durability of polymer-based products across a myriad of industries. This article delves into the fascinating […]